Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Day In The Life: Proposal/References

A Day In The Life of an Astronomer:

Ever since I enrolled in Astronomy this semester, I have become completely mesmerized with everything about our solar system.  I have always been interested in space, but have never really known anything about it other than "Wow, look at the moon, coooll!" Learning more and more about our planet and the planets around us has opened up my eyes to just how amazing everything is. I have especially gotten into moon phases in astronomy. The phases of the moon single handedly blows my mind away. The idea of how a moon is only full for a few seconds and then slowly makes its way to a waning gibbous literally amazes me especially because when we look up it still looks like a full moon. The idea of how what we see is deceiving is always an interest to me, but people like astronomers do so much research and no longer are deceived like the rest of us. They discover so much and it is inspiring. That is why I want to focus on a day in the life of an astronomer.

As already stated, I want to focus on the phases of the moon for this project. I have recently started taking some photographs of the moon the past few nights, so I definitely want to use a photography of the moon I have taken. I want to incorporate drawing in the photograph to mark the stars and constellations and/or telescopes. When I think of an astronomer I always think of a person behind a telescope. Wait, did I just stereotype astronomers? 

Essentially, the idea of visually putting together a photograph of the moon/sky and drawings of the constellations is where I find myself leaning towards for the time being. I will more than likely explore in the drawing part and maybe hand illustrate a telescope to give it more of an astronomer feel. 

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