Monday, November 19, 2012

"Think Before You Pink" (article imagery)

Okay, so I chose to create an image to accompany an article I found online entitled "Think Before You Pink." I originally wanted to use an article that promoted a product who's proceeds would be donated to cancer research. I mean really who doesn't like making a purchase that they need, while also donating to help find a cure for cancer? Right about then I came across this article about a new trend that has been taking the business world by storm:"Pinkwashing." The term applies to companies that use the breast cancer logo and/or the color pink to increase their profit in sales, while at the same time not disclosing that their contribution to the cure will be capped; so in reality the money that is donated is in no way related to the quantity sold. Also, even worse, some of these companies sell products that contain substances that can even contribute to cancer development!...and endorsers include Susan G. Komen, herself!! So as it says in one of the photos above, make sure do something besides shopping to support breast cancer research in october. A great option suggested at the bottom of the article was to either e-mail or write a letter to a company you support and ask them to sign BCAction's Pledge to Prevent Pinkwashing. So after getting some inspiration, I decided I wanted to depict an antagonistic cartoon of a roll of "pinkwashed" money holding a water hose behind his back accompanied by the breast cancer symbol dripping away its pink onto the floor. That one is the one I am leaning towards most, however I do have another cartoon in which the breast cancer symbol is pressed up against the glass of a washing machine window while pink water sloshes around behind him. I have incorporated quite a few breast cancer symbols, and question marks throughout my thumbs, but I am definitely still brainstorming. I'm a big fan of simplicity, so I'm going for simple yet powerful with a predictable primarily pink color scheme. Not sure which photographic elements yet. 

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