Monday, November 5, 2012

A day in the life of...

For this project I have multiple ideas that are all very different. When I was brainstorming I thought of a day in the life of a/an: student, traveler, social media junky, street artist, art student, shopaholic and bug. For a day in the life of a student, traveler and shopaholic I would take a picture of various things on a table and add design elements, text and other graphics to the photograph. For a day in the life of a social media junky I would take a picture of my laptop and then design the screen to have a social media sight up with multiple tabs of other social media sights on the page. For a day in the life of a street artist and art student I would take a picture of a blank canvas/wall and then design the art with illustrator. Finally, for the day in a life of a bug I would take a picture of a landscape and then cut it into pieces and jumble it up a little bit.
For this project I want to make the design elements look as realistic as possible, almost as if they could have been in the picture when it was taken. I like the idea of keeping the viewer guessing what was part of the picture and what was added after the fact. The final product will be a collage of pictures and design elements to make a mixture of reality and design.

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