Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day in the life ...

(Pretty much the same symbolism as a butterfly)
I can go one of two ways: one way is a day in the life of an adult butterfly. To me, this represents travel, adventure, and freedom. They go to as many places as they can until they die. They eventually go back to where they were born in order to spawn, but between the time they emerged from a chrysalis until they return to the breeding ground, they are pretty much flying wherever they can to eat enough nectar. In a way, they are fearless and much like the honey badger, it takes what it wants. One of my goals in life is to emulate the butterfly and to go to as many different places as I can, soaking up as much sun along the way.

The other side I can go is the chrysalis, which represents potential. Since you cannot see what is ahead of you, you have to do as much as you can with what you are given today. When this is realized, that is the point when we have emerged from the chrysalis. But, until then, we are patiently waiting for the time when we have just had enough about what we are doing, or what we have been doing, to ultimately change the routine we have unknowingly gotten ourselves into. But, again, the chrysalis is a symbol for potential, patience, and in the end, a restlessness to change. If we wait for the perfect opportunity to emerge, then that day time will never come.

 (I took the following ones)


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