Monday, November 5, 2012

A Day in the Life of

A Day in the Life of a Rancher….

     I chose to give the perspective of a day in the life of a rancher because I was raised around this type lifestyle and it reminds me of my grandpa and dad. This occupation is stands out to me because majority of the world works the normal 8-12 hrs a day getting paid for every hour that is worked, unlike ranchers. I have first hand experience of the continuing labor and hard work ethic these ranchers approach the beginning of every morning with until dark and sometimes after dark every day. These ranchers don’t get paid by the hour, they work for every penny they get regardless of the weather, the mental& physical toll that is put on their bodies, & of life situations.  My approach is to simply take everything that symbolizes to me what they do for a living.  I have already shot many original photos from my own area back home and plan to use one of the pasture sites as a background for the whole 6x6. I find this country land a very beautiful and serine place to be and find it ironic how all the hard work of a rancher can upkeep and create something so breathtaking. I also want to display life as a rancher first hand by include all the important iconic equipment, apparel, and tools these ranchers use everyday from dusk til dawn. The images I could simply not shoot a clear picture of I plan draw by hand. With skills from Photoshop I plan to blend many images together making them look as one full setting of a day in the life of a rancher.

 Research Images:

My own shot photos:

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