Monday, November 5, 2012

A day in the life of...

A day in the life of a fossil/artifact hunter.
For my project I decided to do a day in the life of an amateur fossil /artifact hunter. I have always had an interest in archeology and paleontology, so I thought it would be interesting to do this topic. Using a combination of photo images and illustration, I hope to convey the sometimes-extreme conditions a collector can face, such as weather, legal issues, and destruction of sites.
For the photo itself, I plan on taking pictures of some of my fossils and arrowheads under various conditions. I know of various limestone bluffs around Central Texas that I could use for depicting the act of fossil hunting. I am thinking of adding the human element an illustration. On the other hand, I might convey “present” as a photograph and illustrate a “past” as an illustrated element. 

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