Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Day In the Life

A day in the life of a metal core band.
In Addition to long hours of practices and song writing, the best part about being in a metal core band is the shows. The shows always hold a new experience. Some shows can have 100 people who stand around while a show with 15 people can have the most live crowd, and vise versa. Aside from actually performing you meet a lot of interesting people such as a conspiracy theorist parking lot attendant or the hustling homeless people who try to trade a hot dog and half a bun for a cigarette. One of the best parts about shows is driving there, after a 6 hour drive you have to find ways to keep entertained especially after everyone’s cell phones have died.  Occasionally this consisted of making fun of Guns n’ Roses songs and watching Nick Swardson comedy Specials on the last remaining cell phone. Sleeping arrangements are usually an issue after a show, if we can’t find a place to stay, we would sleep in parking lots in the back of a truck because we never had enough money for hotels. I feel that this would be a good subject for this project because of the wide range of images I could use such as live pictures and images from the random encounters that have happened during shows.


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