Sunday, November 18, 2012

Editorial Imagery Statement / Thumbs

I am torn between two articles at the moment. One is Embracing Your Inner Robot: A Singular Vision of the Future and the other article is titled On Faith and Science. Both are NPR related articles.

I'll start off with Embracing Your Inner Robot.  As we all know, technology is basically taking over our entire existence. I mean, technically we become immortal because of what technology has created such as the internet. It's a crazy thing to think about and it is even crazier to wonder when we'll begin seeing more and more robots in our every day living. Yes, we are all aware of the few robots that have been created and are still being created. But, in a matter of time, there will be a plentiful amount of them, helping us and guiding us more than our next door neighbor. The idea of that entices me and frightens me all at the same time. That's why I chose to look further into this. The idea I have for this is actually not even going to be displayed in my thumbnails. What I am really looking to dissect is between a person and their, well, inner robot. I want it to be a picture of a person looking at themselves in the mirror and their reflection be them in a robot manner. So, when they look into the mirror not only are they looking at themselves, but they are looking at what they will become/what they are capable of becoming which is a robot. Simple & sweet, darlings! 

On Faith and Science interests me a tad bit more just because I mean come on it's faith and science, the two things you are never to talk about (along w good ol' politics)! I come from an extremely religious/conservative family and so I was basically raised in attempt to mold/brainwash me into thinking one thing about religion and another about science. Lucky for my family, I had always sucked at science so I never really had an interest to dive into it all. But, of course, as I started growing up and becoming curious about everything and anything, I became interested in this ongoing failed dialogue between faith and science. I like the idea of tying something religious with something that is science. and, of course, i instantly think of the king of science: darwin. I like the idea of putting his beliefs into christian beliefs. for example, the image of moses holding the 10 commandments be transformed into darwin holding them. or christ on the cross being circled around evolution cycle. There are many things I want to explore with it and am excited about. 

Yeah, I more or less made zero sense throughout all of this.  Woopse.  

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