Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Day in the Life of Dance Shoes

Photo references and explanation

I wanted to try and approach this project from a perspective other than a person, or even than an animal, so I chose an inanimate object that plays a big role in my life, and that has enough personality and "life" of its own to pull this off- my dance shoes. I have loved to dance since I was a little girl, from taking ballet lessons until they wouldn't let me wear a black tutu anymore, kicking up dirt to some country twang, or irish dancing around a campfire at the renaissance festival. One of the hardest parts will be to decide for sure which type of dance shoe I want to use, but as i've started learning more and more ballroom style dances in the last few years, I will probably illustrate the life of a shoe primarily used on a ballroom floor. This will also give me the chance to show the beauty of a ballroom setting in the background of my image. I plan to incorporate various mundane items in my collage to represent the dreary aspect of being a well-loved but well-worked shoe, like shoe polish and an odor remover spray. I'd also like to use flashes of people dancing. If possible, i'd like to have a friend take a picture of me and my partner dancing to use as my photo, but if I have to physically click the button then I can take one of them. I'm thinking of hand-drawing the shoes.

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