Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Day in the Life of: Short Response, Thumbnails and Photo References

A Day in the Life of a Pizza Delivery Guy/Gal

For this project I will be doing the infamous Pizza Delivery man/woman. I feel as though this role is often under looked in society. Being the middle man of our pizza dominated world I would like for this project to be a commemoration piece. The pizza deliverer is the soul that delivers our food when we’re too drunk or lazy. He/she drives to places unknown trying to beat a record time without getting lost. The pizza deliverer risks his life by crossing into territories belonging to drunkards after midnight. He/she uses their own car, although paid for gas it is obvious his mileage is affected. A day in the life of a pizza deliverer is often overlooked when he/she is tipped and this piece is to help establish that they deserve more. Although he/she is not a pizza deliverer all day long, it affects their everyday life. Forever smelling like parmesan and pepperoni they grudge on with their day like the rest of us.
                What I have imagined for the piece at this moment, which is subject to change, is that I would hand draw a map almost in the shape of a maze. I’m sure many pizza deliverers have a GPS to navigate their ways around the areas, but driving in uncharted territory is still an issue. I was going to take pictures of cheese and pizza to use as pinpoints as to where he has to go within the maze (such as on google maps would show). Maybe even use little drawn icons of money around houses that will tip him or not. 
                Another idea for this was maybe using pac-man where the maze is little pieces of vegetables and cheese, and the timer can illustrate the time a pizza delivery man has to deliver his pizza. I would shoot these pieces of vegetables etc. at home to where I can make it easier to Photoshop. 



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