Monday, November 19, 2012

Editorial Imagery Research & Thumbs

 I have narrowed my project to two different topics- plastic water waste in oceans and Hostess shutting down. The plastic waste one is basically about the amount of plastics in our oceans being very large- there are dumps the size of Texas. In some places the "sand" is more plastic than sand. The wildlife and plants are in danger of their ecosystem failing, but- briefly, a positive was mentioned. I plan to have many pictures or illustrations of different kinds of plastic wastes "posing" as the natural things found in oceans. And the other idea will represent some more recent news. As many may have heard, Hostess shut down. I think covering this story will be fun and different for me. The colors and playfulness of dealing with sweets and well know objects would be a nice change. At first, I will plan to focus mainly on the Twinkie. The article talks about the twinkie dying off and coming to an end, but everyone should have expected it because we basically killed it off. The nation becoming more "healthy" had an effect on Hostess. and the had to shut their doors. There were also, alternative effects, like thousands losing their job- I may focus on some of these later, but my main idea right now is Twinkie's death. I plan to shoot and illustrate different types of Hostess products. Getting a Twinkie now may be expensive- So I might get a cheap one to pose, or use an internet photograph. I'll also shoot and illustrate other hostess products.

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