Monday, November 5, 2012

As an art student, sleep is optional so coffee is a necessity.
Walking to/from class and to get art supplies.
Spending buckets of money on Supplies

Working on projects
Staying up all night editing projects

So I decided to do the life of an art student because it consumes every moment of my day. The life of the art student is a hectic one. In the morning i consume large amounts of either coffee or nerd energy drink to get me to wake up. then its off to class. Since I'm taking three studios I'm constantly under pressure for deadlines so most of the time I'm a frazzled mess. After class i typically either go home to start working on projects, or spend most of my money on art supplies or at the xerox machines at kinko's. When I'm not working on projects I'm usually studying for other classes, networking with people in the field, or spending my downtime on reddit.

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