Monday, November 19, 2012

Final Project Thumbnails 1

Living With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

For the "Living With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" I came up with two different idea. The first idea would be to have a kid jumping around as a "bouncing off the walls" kind of situation. And from where he bounces words, questions and numbers are flying around the room to illustrate how much is going on in someone with ADHD's head. The other idea was to have an image of someone thinking or day dreaming. around the head will be a thought bubble and inside of the bubble will be different things going on, like a washer and drier, food, a cat or mowing the lawn as of an example of how many things ADHD people think about and lack of focus. 

Photo References: 

Four Thumbnails over this project

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