Sunday, October 14, 2012

Studebaker National Museum 
Villing &Co.
I really liked the tri-colored background and minimalist approach to these posters, which is understandable with having automobiles as the subject. Me gusta. And I really like the white frame around the main image which gives it a vintage feel.

Canadian Center for Architecture
James Lavine
What caught my attention were the positions of the names. All right angles to reflect the exhibit.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Mexico

This guy's work is incredible, I recommend you check out his website
But in the first one, I really admire his use of color, which in contrast, the last one is full of pastel-esque colors, it kind of gives a sense of intrigue that the use of all those bright colors are used in a way that doesn't give you a headache. (Well, I speak for myself.) And, the middle one, I just really liked the negative space in the corner.


Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design
JihYun Ham

This one is mostly the monochromatic design.


The Noodle Museum
Jiin Kim

I really love the simple one color poster. It's playful, and the design reflects the exhibition.

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