Sunday, October 14, 2012

Museum Posters Research

The first five I chose were posters for the Sex In Design In Sex exhibit that was being held at the Museum of Sex in New York back in 2008. I've been in love with these posters since I first saw them back in 08' when I was NY. There is just something to simple and conceptual to each of these posters that drives me to them before many of the other museum posters. I just absolutely love the humor and wittiness behind each of these. Very awesome!

The next museum poster I chose is Christopher Versackas' Hello My Name Is Francis poster which was for the MoMA back in 2011. I just love EVERYTHING about this illustration. I mean, like, I am this close to printing it out and hanging it on my wall to look at every minute of my life. SERIOUSLY. Okay, well, sort of.
This Geologie poster is just an absolute favorite of mine. The conceptualization behind it all just oh my god gives me the butterflies. Even though I have no idea where this even is or what language is even being spoken, I love love LOVE this. Claude Kuhn is just ab absolutely amazing designer. Below are some other museum illustrations that have that simple conceptually based idea with amazing color palettes! 

The last museum posters are from the Design museum. Some are from the graphic odyssey exhibit and others are a misc but from the design museum. 

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