Sunday, October 14, 2012

EMP Exhibition Posters Reference Photos

Logo on the side of the ship Serenity from the series Firefly and the film Serenity

Logo of the Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil franchise

Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver

David Tennant as the tenth doctor holding the sonic screwdriver

Alice, played by Mila Jovovich, from the Resident Evil franchise

Stormtrooper helmet from the Star Wars films

Various logos from the Star Wars films

The Alien from Alien

Original badge logo from Star Trek

Captain James T. Kirk's chair from the deck of the Starship Enterprise

Vulcan Commander Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy, saying "Live Long and Prosper"

The Stargate from Stargate SG-1

The stones from The Fifth Element

Robot head from The Terminator

Leeloo, played by Mila Jovovich, in her iconic costume from The Fifth Element

Adam Baldwin as Jayne Cobb wearing his favorite hat in the series Firefly

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