Sunday, November 4, 2012

Project 5 Thumbs

My Image- wine glass full of pills 
My image- bar then blurred out using Photoshop 
Hand illustrated- hand (to make it look unrealistic and cartoon like along with the woman staring back at herself in the bar mirror 

My Image- Hand, bottle and split out pill capsules 
 Hand illustrated- puddle of wine drawing using brain cells
I would also hand draw the piece of paper with scribbled and disturbing words about addiction on it 
My image- photograph pills that i formed to look like a brain and then edit it on Photoshop to look more realistic 
Hand illustrated- brain cells in the back ground 

My image- a body passed out 
Hand illustrate different type of pills and medecine the body passed out on top of 

My image- a man falling/melting down 
My image- different photos of alcohol bottles and then use Photoshop to cut the out and put them in lines to represent strings 
Hand illustrate and use Photoshop to show the beer foam that surrounds his life

My image- take photo of olive dropping into martini glass held by woman's hand 
Hand illustrate a brain and then use Photoshop to replace the olive with the brain
Hand illustrate- back ground of brain cells dying  

My image- man passed out against fence holding a cigarette (suppose to represent joint) 
Hand illustrate brain cells coming out of the smoke from the cigarette 
Also use photoshop to change the ground into a puddles of alcohol  

My image- broken wine glass and limp hand 
Hand illustrate- split wine using dying brain cells as the wine 

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